Our company offers inhouse and outsourced payroll services. These services cover a vast span of subjects, such as labour, insurance and tax. Our team immediately acts with validity and reliability, informing our clients immediately on every change of legislation that occurs in the taxing and labour environment. We provide our services in a fully automated software based manner in order to ensure the validity of the data exchange process. Our payroll services include:
1 Payroll
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  • Payroll calculation
  • Printing of the monthly payroll slips and analytic wage reports of each individual employee
  • Issuing of Accounting articles in electronic form or hard copies, in order to be recorded in your books.
  • Document sharing to the client’s bank in order to proceed with depositing wages to the respective employees’ bank accounts.
  • Analysis of the payroll costs per employee category depending on the clients needs (Cost center, department, etc)
  • Updating the ERGANI system on all payroll and labour related activities, as per law dictations.
  • Cross-checking and validation between current individual payrolls and obligations of collective agreements.
  • Preparation/submitting of the income certificate files and temporary income tax forms.
2 Social Security Funds
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  • Analytical Periodical statements composition (IKA/EFKA) and their electronic submissions.
  • Composition and submission of insurance contributions to related insurance funds.
  • Monitoring Insurance contributions certificates up to the issuance of related stamps.
  • Insurance liability clearances, as per the company’s requirements.
  • Record keeping of all EFKA related activities concerning branching or change of the company’s headquarters.
3 Preventive Payroll checks
Our company can certify whether:
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  • Individual contracts of employment are in league with labor conventions.
  • Calculation of insurance deductions/contributions is performed correctly
  • Schedules, overtimes, allowances and increments are in compliance with the related legal provisions.
4  Other services
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  • Calculations and review of payroll expenses
  • Financial predictions/calculations regarding labour compensations as per the company’s requirements and the legal restrictions.
  • Payroll services for foreign employees.
5 Administrative back-up of Human Resource Departments
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  • Management of leaves (training programs, sickness etc)
  • Management of statistical data regarding human resources
  • Management of attendance books and shift schedules
  • Management/Support on updating the Labour related records
  • Support on procedures regarding employee decision/picking for small companies
  • Support on Payroll budgeting and forecasting for small companies