The precise depiction of the accounting data of a company, combined with the early evaluation of its financial state through reporting processes, constitute the primary tools for business decision making. CG-ELENXIS holds the required know-how and experience in order to provide integrated support and administration to the accounting procedures for any form of company. In detail:
  • Updates its clients on new developments in a mostly reliable way
  • Suggests modern business tools and procedures for an optimal adaptation to today’s needs.
  • Assumes the integrated preparation for taxation and accounting audits
  • Assists in the understanding and solving of complex accounting/taxation issues
Our goal is the resource management optimization (cost-time-productivity-human resources) for our clients, to ensure their companies sustainability and growth. Our clients are individuals, corporate models, non profitable organizations, small firms and large companies, each operating in different sectors of the economy. Our accounting team is in position of offering you a variety of services, including:
  • Registration and establishment Services
  • Setup and organizing of newly founded accounting departments
  • Full coverage of accounting services
  • Administration and Supervision of internal accounting departments
  • Financial planning and reporting
  • Budgeting and preparation of Financial Statements
  • Consulting services on optimal software use on various accounting applications
  • Preparation and submitting of Tax Declarations (income, VAT, withholding taxes)
  • Company mergings, spin-offs, splittings and liquidations
  • Adjustment to international standards (IAS & IFRS)
  • Production costing
  • Book-keeping via modern resource planning software (SAP, ORACLE etc)
Our company’s executives, through their long experience, are able to offer high quality services on taxation matters, with responsibility and confidentiality. Tax-related advisory services can be of “proactive” or “preventive” character, so that our customers can maximize their profitability while minimizing the tax burden, always within the regulatory framework. The timely and valid knowledge of the alterations in the taxation regulations is a valuable competitive advantage, as it can lead to profit maximization, cash flow optimization and effective risk management. Our taxation team can offer a variety of services including:
1 Tax compliance/tax consulting:
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  • Covering all your taxation obligations
  • Tax Declarations (income of natural and legal faces, VAT, TAX deductions
  • Expenses deductibility
  • Greek accounting standards and taxation
  • Tax planning
  • Double taxation treaty
2 Tax-related audits:
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  • Diagnostic tax reviews in order to assist companies perceive the amount of additional tax they could be called to pay in the future and act accordingly.
  • Support during auditing procedures and representation before tax authorities.
  • Settlement and legal action procedures
  • Audit preparation
3 Consulting on VAT
  • Custody of VAT returns
  • Consulting on VAT related subjects regarding European Union intra-community trade. (triangular trade, distance selling etc)
  • General advisory on VAT application issues. (VAT exemption, pro-rata, arrangements of asset VAT etc)
4 Consulting on Business and trade related matters
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  • Company establishments
  • Contract drafting and review
  • Selection of partnership schemes
  • Spin-offs, restructuring, break-ups, take-overs
  • Rights, Royalties, know-how
  • Designing, organisation and inceptions of facilities abroad
  • TAX representations of insurance companies without facilities in Greece
5 Property
Provision of legal support, in collaboration with lawyers, in order to confront complex issues regarding taxing or company functions both in consulting and Judicial level.
6 Individuals:
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  • Consulting TAX services to individuals
  • International Tax Planning regarding staff operating in other countries. TAX declarations for Greek and foreign tax-payers.
  • Support regarding property purchases or renting.
  • Consulting on donations taxing, inheritance and parental benefits
  • Provision of tax services and legal support during TAX audits
  • TAX planning for citizens living abroad.
7 Documentation of intra-group transactions - Transfer Pricing
CG-Elenxis possesses the required know-how to support your company to any subject regarding intra-group transactions and profit transferring between entities subjectible to taxation. More specifically, we provide support for the correct preparation, submission and renewal of documentation files that all companies operating in Greece need to submit, regarding their transactions with other companies. About the intra-group transactions, it is defined in a clear manner who is subjected to compose a documentation file of their transactions, as well as the fines and penalties applied in case of improper application of the respective regulations. In addition, the Large Companies Control Center (KEFOMEP), being the authorised auditing entity, consisting of highly-trained auditors, performs regular checks. We provide:
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  • Designing of pricing policies
  • Methods of transaction documentation
  • Preparation and update of documentation files regarding intra-group transactions, synoptic information matrix and documentation filing.
  • Continuous overseeing and checking of intra-group transactions.
Our company offers inhouse and outsourced payroll services. These services cover a vast span of subjects, such as labour, insurance and tax. Our team immediately acts with validity and reliability, informing our clients immediately on every change of legislation that occurs in the taxing and labour environment. We provide our services in a fully automated software based manner in order to ensure the validity of the data exchange process. Our payroll services include:
1 Payroll
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  • Payroll calculation
  • Printing of the monthly payroll slips and analytic wage reports of each individual employee
  • Issuing of Accounting articles in electronic form or hard copies, in order to be recorded in your books.
  • Document sharing to the client’s bank in order to proceed with depositing wages to the respective employees’ bank accounts.
  • Analysis of the payroll costs per employee category depending on the clients needs (Cost center, department, etc)
  • Updating the ERGANI system on all payroll and labour related activities, as per law dictations.
  • Cross-checking and validation between current individual payrolls and obligations of collective agreements.
  • Preparation/submitting of the income certificate files and temporary income tax forms.
2 Social Security Funds
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  • Analytical Periodical statements composition (IKA/EFKA) and their electronic submissions.
  • Composition and submission of insurance contributions to related insurance funds.
  • Monitoring Insurance contributions certificates up to the issuance of related stamps.
  • Insurance liability clearances, as per the company’s requirements.
  • Record keeping of all EFKA related activities concerning branching or change of the company’s headquarters.
3 Preventive Payroll checks
Our company can certify whether:
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  • Individual contracts of employment are in league with labor conventions.
  • Calculation of insurance deductions/contributions is performed correctly
  • Schedules, overtimes, allowances and increments are in compliance with the related legal provisions.
4  Other services
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  • Calculations and review of payroll expenses
  • Financial predictions/calculations regarding labour compensations as per the company’s requirements and the legal restrictions.
  • Payroll services for foreign employees.
5 Administrative back-up of Human Resource Departments
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  • Management of leaves (training programs, sickness etc)
  • Management of statistical data regarding human resources
  • Management of attendance books and shift schedules
  • Management/Support on updating the Labour related records
  • Support on procedures regarding employee decision/picking for small companies
  • Support on Payroll budgeting and forecasting for small companies
Our company provides support on small and medium sized companies in different sorts of challenges they might face, such as:

  • Tax, labour and legal matters
  • Budgeting, cost of sales and/or operation,cash flow, credits and credit risks
  • Company and administrative structure
  • Attracting and evaluating employees
  • Immovable assets and inheritance matters

Our company can assist in the above, by providing services such as:

  • Covering in all financial, legal, tax and labour subjects
  • Updating you regarding all the new evolvements on taxing, cash flow information systems, budgets and forecasts
  • Payrolls and human resource subjects
  • Book-keeping and accounting supervision
  • Tax-planning including cases such as, company sold, merging or splitting, owner succession, etc
  • Providing full support on subjects regarding tax or administration audits
CG-Elenxis, having worked with companies of various sizes and fields of operation, has developed the required know-how in order to identify the real needs of its customers and provide customized services. Through a variety of consulting services, we contribute in a positive manner, by suggesting the optimal solutions in areas of development, modernization and reorganization. In specific:
1 Valuation and transaction services:
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  • Service provision on mergers, break-ups, takeovers
  • Support and consulting on fundraising
  • Financial due diligence
  • TAX due diligence
2 Management Consulting:
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  • Design and implementation of business planning
  • Strategic and operational planning
  • Budgeting
  • KPI’s
  • Analysis regarding sustainability, feasibility, cost reduction
  • Decision making on entering new markets
  • Stock & warehouse management - Logistic chain optimisation
3 Efficiency improvement:
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  • Operational restructuring/reengineering
  • Process improvement
  • Cost optimization
  • Working capital utilization improvement
  • Debt and loan restructuring
  • Crisis management
  • Consulting on the company’s internal environment during periods of great change (i.e. downsizing, restructuring, external economic instability)
  • Consulting of development and configuration of software & IT applications
4 Risk Consulting
  • Enterprise risk management
  • Corporate governance
  • Regulatory Compliance
5 Financial consulting
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  • Restructuring of corporate loans
  • Alternative funding
  • Business restructuring based on specific laws, in coordination with legal offices
  • Wealth management - retirement programs
  • Property management
6 Credit risk Services - Receivable Management
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  • Design of Credit control departments
  • Formation of Credit policy
  • Liability management
  • Reduction of bad debts
The electronic submission of the “Assets and Funds-source” declaration for all the obligated individuals, their spouses and children, is a procedure that demands absolute precision and thoroughness.

The declaration includes the sum of assets (immovable and not), both in Greece and in foreign countries, and its content should be substantiated with precision in any audit.

Failure to do the above substantiation, or non submission of the declaration within the law-defined deadlines, can lead to severe financial penalties and even imprisonment sentences for up to 10 years.

Our company and its advisors are able to support you during the procedure of collecting the declaration’s supporting documentation, and their submission on the respective platform. In addition, we are providing a full explanation of every action of the entire process, and we are thoroughly inspecting the validation and the precision of the supporting documents, via meetings with our clients.