July 2, 2018
Tax treatment of short-term leases in the context of the sharing economy (Airbnb type)

Amendments to the legal framework regarding the short-term lease of real estate in the context of the sharing economy were brought by Law 4472/17 as well as POL.1187 / 2017. & Nbsp; This facilitates the implementation of tax legislation and regulates leases within the sharing economy, as they have developed in the country to date. […]

November 26, 2019
Tax on the assignment of a vehicle to a working partner or shareholder

Changes in vehicle taxation to a working partner or shareholder Article 4 (2). The provisions of article 13 of law & nbsp; 4172/2013 are replaced as follows: “The value of the concession of a vehicle to an employee or partner or shareholder by one (1) natural or legal person or legal entity, for any period […]

December 10, 2019
New tax scale 2020

Change of Tax Scale from 1/1/2020 & nbsp; According to Law 4646 / 12-12-19 Article 6 there are changes in the income tax:& nbsp; Amendment of article 15 of the CCA, regarding the tax rate Paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 15 of law & nbsp; 4172/2013 are replaced as follows: “1. Taxable income from […]

March 6, 2020
Submission of income tax returns for 2019

Income tax returns for 2019 What we need to know The taxis platform for submitting income tax returns for 2019 opens on 31/03/2020. Employees, retirees and professional farmers must fill in the minimum percentage of electronic receipts to secure the tax deduction ranging from 1,900 to 2,100 euros This rate is: 10% for income up […]

June 25, 2020
Taxation of residents abroad

Income tax Persons who are registered as tax residents abroad in the Tax Office for residents abroad, are taxed in Greece and have the obligation to file a declaration only for income that arises in our country. This applies both to Greeks who moved their tax residence abroad due to relocation and to foreigners. The […]

October 29, 2020
Support for small and micro-enterprises affected by the COVID pandemic

Action: “Supporting small and micro-enterprises affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the Regions of the country”. Support for small and micro-enterprises in the Regions of the country facing liquidity shortages and suffering significant losses due to the effects of measures to reduce the outbreak of COVID-19 disease in the form of non-repayable grant . The […]