Tax on the assignment of a vehicle to a working partner or shareholder

Changes in vehicle taxation to a working partner or shareholder

Article 4 (2).

The provisions of article 13 of law & nbsp; 4172/2013 are replaced as follows: “The value of the concession of a vehicle to an employee or partner or shareholder by one (1) natural or legal person or legal entity, for any period of time within the tax year is calculated on the basis of the following scale as a percentage of the Retail Price (LPV) of the vehicle as follows:

& nbsp; a) for GVA from zero (0) to fourteen thousand (14,000) euros as a percentage of four percent (4%) of GVA as an additional annual income,

b) for LTPF from fourteen thousand one (14.001) to seventeen thousand (17,000) euros as a percentage of twenty percent (20%) of LTPF as additional annual income,

c) for LTPF from seventeen thousand one (17.001) to twenty thousand (20,000) euros as a percentage of thirty three percent (33%) of LTPF as additional annual income,

d) for LTPF from twenty thousand one (20.001) to twenty five thousand (25,000) euros as a percentage of thirty five percent (35%) of LTPF as additional annual income,

& nbsp; e) for LTPF from twenty-five thousand one (25,001) to thirty thousand (30,000) euros as a percentage of thirty-seven percent (37%) of LTPF as additional annual income,

f) for LTPF more than thirty thousand one (30.001) euros, as a percentage of twenty percent (20%) of LTPF as additional annual income, regardless of whether the vehicle belongs to the company or is leased in any way to the above persons.

& nbsp; The above percentage of each vehicle is not shared by more than one person.

The value of the vehicle concession is reduced based on age as follows:

  1. 0-2 years no reduction.
  2. 3-5 years reduction of ten percent (10%).
  3. 6-9 years reduction twenty-five percent (25%).
  4. From 10 years onwards a reduction of fifty percent (50%).

Excluded from the provisions hereof are vehicles that are granted exclusively for business purposes and have a Retail Sale Price Before Taxes of up to seventeen thousand (17,000) euros.