Changes in labor and insurance legislation

Labour legislation

Law 4488/2017, which was passed on September 7, 2017, introduces significant changes in the Greek labor and insurance legislation.

Specifically, during the on-site inspection by the S.E.P.E., those at the workplace are obliged to show their police ID, if requested by the inspectors of Labor Inspectors. Also, in addition to the employer, any third fine is imposed for refusing entry and access to the workplace, refusing to provide data or information or providing inaccurate information.

If during the audit by the Financial Police, it is found that the employee is not listed in the Personnel List, a fine (€ 10,500) is imposed by the S.PE., without requiring any other action (by the S.PE. ).

Employers are required to register with the PS. "INSTRUMENT" means any change or modification of the working hours or the organization of the working time of the employees, at the latest until the day of the change or modification of the working hours or the organization of the working time and in any case before the undertaking of service by the employees; overtime and legal - under current legislation - overtime before the start of its implementation.

Employers are obliged to announce to the PS. "ERGANI" the announcements of voluntary resignation, the terminations of the employment contract, the expiration of fixed-term contracts or projects, within 4 working days from the date of termination of employment. The announcement of voluntary departure of the employee must be accompanied either by an electronically scanned form signed by the employer and the employee, or by an out-of-court statement of the employer to the employee, informing him that he has voluntarily resigned and that it will be announced in PS "INSTRUMENTS". In this case, the out-of-court declaration of the employer is served on the employee no later than 4 working days after his voluntary departure and the announcement is made the next working day after the service of the out-of-court declaration. If the above obligations are not met in time, the employment contract is considered terminated with an irregular complaint of the employer.

Employers are required to provide employees with a copy of the Personnel Schedule when they are employed abroad.

Insurance legislation

Unduly paid contributions to the E.F.K.A. offset by any arrears owed to the E.F.K.A. and third parties for which the E.F.K.A. collects contributions. If there are no debts or if a net amount arises after the set-off, it is returned interest-free to the beneficiaries as follows:

In the case of employees, at the request of the beneficiaries.
To the self-employed and the self-employed after the annual liquidation of the due insurance contributions. The excess amount can remain in the E.F.K.A. as a credit balance, set off with the following contributions, at the request of the above persons.

From January 1, 2017, self-employed lawyers and engineers who are working at the Tax Office. they no longer have the obligation to pay insurance contributions as self-employed.